A stop-motion animated film exploring the the visualization and progression of Alzheimer's disease.
for jean
A collection of interviews and family scenes chronicling the legacy of my grandmother and exploring the present moment.
How can we include people with dementia in our community?
If you have been diagnosed with dementia you need a community that is inclusive, understanding and friendly.
The Library
13-year-old Emily begins receiving secret admirer notes in the library, taking her on a journey of discovery.
Mark developed Alzheimer's 8 years ago and his wife had lost hope, until a pill that can cure Alzheimer's for 24 hours comes out.
The Long Goodbye: An Alzheimer’s Story
The story of Jim and his wife Fran who's suffering from dementia and Alzheimers.
Dear Grandpa
How Alzheimer's within my family has affected me and how I help my loved ones through it.
Restorative Rhythms: The Power of Music Therapy
Seth Laucks presents a Dave Reiss film about the Power of Music Therapy.
Ellis Won’t Be Dancing Today
"Ellis won’t be Dancing Today" is a dance/theatre piece about one woman’s story of her husband and Alzheimer’s disease.
Backing Out of Time – Prepare for the Future Now
Five family caregivers are followed for 3.5 years as they care for parents.