The last laugh: a short film about dementia
Directed by:Alison Black
The Last Laugh is a short film about Kate Swaffer’s personal experience of being diagnosed with younger onset dementia at the age of 49, and Dr Mark Cross, a psychiatrist whose patient cohort includes people with dementia, and who also fears he may have the familial AD gene. It highlights the statistics (from 2015), and briefly explores how laughter and facing dementia helps overcome the stigma and fear. It also showcases an assisted residential care home providing best practice dementia care.

Alison Black
Kate Swaffer is also Chair, CEO and co-founder of Dementia Alliance International, a global advocacy and support group for people living with dementia. She is also the 2017 SA Australian Of The Year. Kate is a humanitarian and activist for human rights in dementia and aged care, and has changed the narrative of dementia globally. Kate is also living beyond a diagnosis of younger onset dementia, diagnosed at the age of 49. She is actively involved globally in human rights, activism, advocacy, and empowering others with dementia to have a voice. If this submission wins a prize, all funds will be donated to Dementia Alliance International.
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