The Genetics of Alzheimer’s
Directed by:David Shenk
These very-short “pocket” films are designed to be viewed anywhere at anytime: a doctor’s office, a Congressional hallway, a family living room. Please take them. Put them on your own website or powerpoint presentation; play them on your phone or tablet. They are free for non-commercial use. Understanding Alzheimer’s better will reduce stigma, improve care, and help the public fight against the disease.

David Shenk
David Shenk is the award-winning, national-bestselling author of six books, including The Genius in All of Us ("deeply interesting and important" - NYTimes), The Forgetting ("remarkable" - LATimes), Data Smog ("indispensable" - NYTimes), and The Immortal Game ("superb" - WSJournal). He is a popular lecturer, a short-film director/producer, and a contributor to National Geographic, The New York Times, and other publications. More at David Shenk is the award-winning, national-bestselling author of six books, including The Genius in All of Us ("deeply interesting and important" - NYTimes), The Forgetting ("remarkable" - LATimes), Data Smog ("indispensable" - NYTimes), and The Immortal Game ("superb" - WSJournal). He is a popular lecturer, a short-film director/producer, and a contributor to National Geographic, The New York Times, and other publications. More at David Shenk is the award-winning, national-bestselling author of six books, including The Genius in All of Us ("deeply interesting and important" - NYTimes), The Forgetting ("remarkable" - LATimes), Data Smog ("indispensable" - NYTimes), and The Immortal Game ("superb" - WSJournal). He is a popular lecturer, a short-film director/producer, and a contributor to National Geographic, The New York Times, and other publications. More at
Film Commentary