How can we include people with dementia in our community?
Directed by:Sabina Brennan
In this animation (2.43mins) I explain that if we get dementia we want people to keep including us in their lives.
It’s part of a series I made to tackle the stigma surrounding dementia through the provision of easy-to-understand information that addresses fears & misconceptions. My own mum developed dementia while I was making these films. When I showed mum this film, she said ‘that’s me, that’s what happens to me”.
I followed my own advice & kept including her, laughing & singing ’till the end…

Sabina Brennan
I am research psychologist at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. My research focuses on understanding dementia risk and protective factors to establish how decline in cognitive function might be prevented or delayed.
I believe in empowerment through education and I am a passionate public speaker, filmmaker & online education on many topics that aim to improve the lives of those who are, or will be, affected by dementia.
Human rights & equality are my guiding principals & I passionately advocates for the integration of people with dementia in society, and the end of dementia warehousing, segregation by disease & age apartheid.
People with dementia are not 'aliens' they are just you and I with a brain disease.
Film Commentary