Crest of the Hill
Directed by:Amanda Kowalski
As his Alzheimer’s progresses, Greg O’Brien prepares to sell his family home.

Amanda Kowalski
Amanda Kowalski is a photographer and multimedia producer who specializes in documentary style imagery and narrative based advertising. In 2010 she co-founded the production company SoundLight Media with audio producer and collaborator, Samantha Broun. Amanda's clients have included: The American Psychological Association, The Massachusetts Humanities Council, Massachusetts General Hospital, Universal Music, United Way, Children's Hospital Boston, Sichuan Quake Relief, Service Employees International Union, The Maine Women's Fund, Rounder Records, and the Maine Board of Tourism. Her work has appeared in The New York Times,, Oxford American, ABC News online,, Fast Company blog, Fretboard Journal, The Atlantic and more.
Film Commentary