Directed by:Eric Latek
This short documentary film is the soul of Anna, a beautiful Native American mother, grandmother and wife who has fallen victim to Alzheimer’s. Throughout her lifetime Anna has watched many family members lose their battles with this disease. This film is only through her eyes.

Eric Latek
Eric Scott Latek graduated with a BS in Film Concentration, Visual and Media Arts & Mass Communication from Emerson College in 1998. While in school, Latek was selected to write and direct a short film. “A Life In The Day of Ringo Vings” was the end result, and the film went onto to win various awards such as “Best International Director”, AFMA International Film Festival, “People’s Choice Award”, Adobe Digital Cinema. After graduation, Latek taught and lectured in Filmmaking, Animation and CGI for RISD, JWU, and the Art Institute of Boston. The vast knowledge cultivates from Latek’s experience in the field of commercial, documentary and narrative let to Filmmaker Magazine nominating Eric as one of the "25 New Faces in Film" Worldwide.
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