- Written and Directed by Roger Ross Williams
- Cinematography by Derek Wiesehahn
- Edited by Casper de Boer
- Produced by Roger Ross Williams
Casper de Boer
- Series Creator & Executive Producer David Shenk
- Music by Dave Daniels & Joybean
Vocals –Dave Daniels
Banjo – Andy Slatter
- Many thanks toThe Ford Family
Lou Ethel Ford Hill
Tom Ford
Cynthia Williams
Errol Ford
Keith Ford
- The Staff at Memory Matters
Arlene Byrne
Lindy Lindenbaum
Mary Marshall
Donna Nienow
- The Caregivers
Bertha Guanajuato
Arlene Murphy
Marge Simpson
John Tolford
Patricia Wasson
- The Staff at Memory Matters
Edwina Hoyle
Karen Doughtie
Melissa Dalton
Cathee Stegal
Jeannie Thompson
- The Clients at Memory Matters
Marie Everett
Angelina Ixtuaca
Janice Mentz-Tolford
Vincent Murphy
Bob Scherrer
John Servat
Carol Smith
Louise Tilly
James Wasson
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